The Leader in Sexual Integrity Resources

About Us

In a culture where everyone wants true love, passionate romance and deeply satisfying relationships, why do so many people seem sincerely baffled as to how to reach these ideals? At The Legacy Institute, we see this as a classic case of the "wrong directions." In some instances, it may just be a case of accidental wrong turns or bad decisions. In many instances, it is more insidious: we know people who are selling the wrong map. The Legacy Institute wants to help get people back on the right road. The road that leads to wholeness and clarity in a culture of sexual brokenness and confusion. The road to sexual integrity.

Sexual integrity is expressing the gift of our sexuality throughout our whole lives in agreement with God's intentional design. Living with sexual integrity means making smart decision about physical sexual relationships. It means choosing to stay whole as a person, or moving toward wholeness if we've been hurt. But sexual integrity involves more than just making good sexual decisions. It also involves knowing who we are as men and women and choosing the most appropriate and compelling ways to express our male and female natures, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. When we live this way we don't just avoid pain, we become whole, fruitful, life-giving people who offer our broken world a glimpse of the very nature of God Himself. When we live according to our design, we exert real power and influence and are able to truly expand the Kingdom of God, just by being who God made us to be.

At The Legacy Institute, our goal is to be catalysts of cultural change. Our mission, our vision and our statement of faith all point to the truth that our sexuality is more than just a physical act but rather the core of who we are as human beings. When we see our sexuality this way, we begin to think differently and to live differently. We see order and design in our bodies, our relationships and our families and we are inspired and empowered to make decisions that bring life, love and legacy to our world.