The Leader in Sexual Integrity Resources

Biblical Blueprint for Sexual Integrity

In a confused culture, this foundational series is key to framing God's divine design for relationships and sexuality!


The Biblical Blueprint for Sexual Integrity (BBSI) is a groundbreaking study for parents and Christian educators. This 7-session DVD series, complete with a thought-provoking study guide, features popular sexuality and relationship expert Carrie Abbott in a profound and entertaining look at God's intentional design for male and female relationships, sexuality, marriage and more!




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Watch this short video to see clips of the actual teaching and hear from some parents how it impacted their families.

This product is sold as a kit, which includes the DVD series and one study guide, for $35.00. Additional study guides for individual participants can be purchased for $10.00 each.

Topics include:

Session One: In the Beginning
The foundational introduction to God’s intentional design for sexuality. Sexuality is not just a physical act but rather, the core of who we are as human beings. It is about being male and female, designed by God to reflect His nature.

Session Two: God Made Man
A close-up look at the unique design of the male. A successful man reflects his Maker by being a priest, provider and protector to all those in his circle of influence. He is “husband” to a culture of life in all aspects of his being, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

Session Three: The Lord God Made a Woman
A close-up look at the unique design of the female. A successful woman “helps” and nurtures those around her. Her life-giving, relational nature, when expressed fully in all aspects of her life, brings dignity to everyone around her.

Session Four: Creation Falls
How our sexuality was distorted when Adam and Eve sinned. Passivity and discontentment were present before and after the fall. The results can be seen in sexual brokenness, disunity and fractured relationships even today.

Session Five: Rescued From the Fall
How, through Christ, we can be made whole - or have sexual integrity. Christ conquered sin and death and modeled truth in His whole being. We are to follow Him by walking in the light, “speaking” truth with our bodies and choosing life.

Session Six: The Two Shall Become One
The foundational role of godly marriage in a healthy culture. Marriage between a man and a woman is God’s beautiful picture of the future union between Christ and His bride, the Church. This earthly union offers intimacy and unity to couples as well as protection and provision for children.

Session Seven: Sexual Order in the Home
God’s prescription for successful family relationships. Honoring and respecting God’s plan for relationships between husbands and wives and children offers families biblical promises for God’s blessing on these relationships. The result is a road map for healthy relationships both in and outside of the family.