The Leader in Sexual Integrity Resources


Relationship training is a necessary part of pro-active parenting and education. In a confused culture, it is more important than ever to engage young minds and hearts in biblical truth about God and how He made all of children in His image. These positive lessons are the perfect foundation for future learning about relationships as kids grow older.

Grades K-3: Key foundational lessons are taught through professional audio drama stories, lessons and activities. Student's imaginations are engaged as they listen to stories about a family in the town of Legacy, learning “heart lessons”, as Grandpa Henry, the narrator, likes to call them. Each grade has five stories, and each story emphasizes the key biblical truth for that lesson. The learning is reinforced through original artwork coloring books, sign language, object lessons, original songs, crafts and more! This whole-person experience allows key biblical truths about who God is, to "cement" in the precious young minds and hearts, creating a relationship foundation for the years to follow. Each unit is 5-10 lessons depending on the setting.

K - God is Love   

God is LoveChildren will learn about God's love for them, and why they are created uniquely as a boy or girl to love others. Family is a central focus along with a first glimpse at how loving relationships should work, even at a young age.

1 - God Is Life

God is LifeFirst grade children will learn about the power of life and the author and fiver of life, God Himself! Through the stories and activities, students begin to see life around them in new and inspiring ways, and the value of all life becomes very real.

2 - God is Spirit

God is SpiritChildren will learn about God's Spirit and their body, soul and spirit. Students will learn that allowing God's Spirit to lead them is the key to walking by the Spirit, even at a young age.

3 - God is Light

God is LightChildren will learn their choices impact both the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness, and they quickly realize the power they have when they walk in the light. This unit brings to "light" important foundations for future decisions. 


Grades 4-6: These grades are important bridge years, helping students cross over to more understanding of relationships as they continue in their childhood journey. Each grade is very strategic in its approach, and all three are uniquely designed to include internal and external experiences, reminding students they are whole, integrated people. The lessons include elements such as: sign language, object lessons, games and crafts to reinforce the key biblical truths. Each unit is five to ten lessons, depending upon the setting.

4 - God Is Father

God is FatherGod's role as Father comes alive through the DVD presentation of The Great King by the amazing actor, David Shelton. This remarkable story is the centerpiece of this unit, and helps the students see the unique relationship between God the Father, His Son the Prince and all of His children. Family and adoption are honored in this unit, along with each family member.

5 - God Is One

God is OneThis unit emphasizes God as a union of persons. The unit sub-title is "an Adventure In Friendship", which focuses on unity, wholeness and being integrated people. The emphasis on healthy friendships helps students create patterns and principles for all relationships, as they grow older. The student's five aspects (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social) are introduced for the first time. 

6 - God is Holy

This unit transports students to Medieval Times through audio lessons from Sir Robert the Knight (played by Grant Goodeve), a special castle book, object lessons, crafts and more to bring to life the important truths about holiness. This unique approach invigorates the imagination of students and helps them want to be trained for sanctification. The unit ends with a special coronation ceremony marking a rite-of-passage event for both young royal warriors and princesses. Parents are also included in this unique and moving event.