The Leader in Sexual Integrity Resources

Carrie's Relationship Tips

Living With Sexual Integrity


Why do you think guys and girls notice each other or "like" each other, even at a young age? There is a "natural" draw, because there is a "supernatural" plan.  This is not an accident, and it is in fact, a prescription:  A God-designed plan to bring male and female together to love, to create life and to leave a legacy.  Of course, wise adults want to help young ones postpone this "oneness" until they become mature young adults who are whole, integrated persons, able to offer themselves as a gift to another, ideally for a lifetime.

To help students prepare for a future relationship, they should practice now being whole and experiencing unity in all their relationships.  Both of these elements are central to their success throughout life.  A key to unlocking the power of being who God made them to be is teaching them to embrace and express their male and female nature.  Many of us grew up believing that sex was a physical act.  Sex is not just an act, it is being male and female. Genesis 1:26-28 reveals God creating mankind and intentionally designating male and female as a foundation to His Kingdom plan.  When we integrate our sexuality (male or female nature) successfully in all five aspects of our being, at Legacy we say we are living with sexual integrity.  The five aspect are:

  • physical
  • intellectual
  • emotional
  • social
  • spiritual

Living with sexual integrity means living in agreement with God's intentional design, and this prescription brings power and success.  At Legacy we have developed resources that expand and teach this truth and much more. We are here to help you equip the next generation to be successful in their relationships, so take a moment to look at our Relationships With Integrity K-12 curriculum for schools and churches.  There isn't anything like it!